current main system (as of 2012):
friend Alexander and I had a blast at the Lenco Heaven Meet in
Brussels, another wonderful event for music and audio lovers. We met
great people, had fun listening to wonderful Lenco-based systems,
enjoyed good beer and the famous Belgian cuisine. Visit the Lenco
Heaven Forum, it's in my opinion
one of the best internet-forums around, focusing on vintage Lencos
but also on a variaty of other audio topics including music.

two photos above show my music room and equipment as of 2012. You can also
see the new equipment placement with the Lenco sitting on a
dedicated wall shelf. The increase in musical performance of the
Lenco was definitely worth the effort of mounting this shelf :-)
as of 2009

is one of the latest photos of my main system (April 2009). I sold
my beloved Haigner 3-way monitors recently to Alexander, a friend of
mine, who is also a music aficionado and an expert in recorded Jazz
music. Instead, you can see a pair of Altec Valencias - crossover
modified by David Haigner including a Beymer mid-/treble driver
substituting the original Altec driver - which I have got from David
on loan until my new Haigner Gamma horns will be ready.
modified Valencias are fun to listen to, although not the last word
in treble resolution and musical color compared to the exceptional
Haigner 3-way monitors I had owned for 6+ years. Dynamically and
rhythmically the Valencias are superb though and easily get you
connected to the music.
there is my pimped vintage Lenco L75 TT with superb 12" Schick
arm and Shelter 501 II cartridge, a Dynaco ST70 with the current
Welborne Labs mods - a fun project I will report on in the near
future - my beloved Kroack Tao TT with Helius arm and Musicmaker
MkIII MM cartridge, EAR 868 tube preamp with superb tube phono
stage, Tentlabs CD player used as a drive and Martin Kueng modified
Micromega DAC. I also use Graham Slee's Revelation phono stage (with
different reproduction curves for older records) with great results.
Don't worry, there are still SE triode amps (a pair of Welborne Labs
Moondogs 2A3s and a pair of WE
91 style 300B SET Mono block
amps - kit version offered by DIY Hifi Supply) in the house, but not
on the photo ;-)

Valencia with Haigner mods
Try to dampen the two weldseams of the mid- /treble horn. These
weldseams normally cause audible ringing. The damping with special
absorber band and paper clips helped a lot in my case (thanks to
David for this tip) |

old Lenco L75 in new plinth with the affordable and highly musical
Schick 12" tone arm. A great combination in every way! Maybe a
giant killer TT? |

ST 70 with Welborne Labs modification. This was my latest DIY
project and worked out great. I had an original Dynaco amp with
115V power transformer at hand (bought it years ago on Ebay).
used the original output transformers and the quad of EL34 tubes,
bought a new chassis and a replacement power transformer for 240V
mains voltage (both from Triode Electronics Inc. Online for a more
than fair price) and Ron Welbornes modification kit (driver board,
bias and power supply upgrade) and put everything together.
modded amp sounds impressive.
recommended! |

(2007) version of my Haigner 3-way monitors (left channel) with
improved and phase coherent mid and treble section. I happily lived
with these speakers for many years and enjoyed every record played.
Now, they will bring musical joy to my friend Alexander's music room.
And he always plays great Jazz LPs over his equipment. He offered to
provide a list of "Must have" - Jazz Lps for my website, so
stay tuned... |
system as it developed (older fotos ca 2000 to early 2007):

dream turntable, Peter Kroack's Tao table with Helius Cyalene silver
wired arm, Len Gregory's (aka the Cartridge Man) Musikmaker Mk III MM
cartridge and a superb Ortofon 309i arm, excellent RS Labs RS-3 head
shell and Denon DL-103R cartridge. |

Labs Moondog 2A3 mono block
amps (Kit version), they sound magical,
with some NOS 6SN7 drivers and
GZ37 rectifier |

Tulip 2A3 stereo amp with Vaic 2A3 Meshplates. Aren't they gorgeous?
sound of the Tulip is wonderful, though not as authoritative as the
Moondogs are ( In the meantime I have sold the Tulip - no easy
decision - due to my next project the building of a pair of WE 91
300B SE amplifiers - a kit-version offered by DIY Hifi Supply in Hong Kong) |
Aigner's test version of a 5687 based line stage with two kinds of
output transformers (using parafeed and ultrapath circuits). Fully
homebrewed but highly musical and enjoyable; one of the best
linestages I've ever had in my system...

system in my dedicated music room. In the front is a pair of
impressive 3-way speakers, designed and built by Austria's
loudspeaker guru, David Haigner. |

field view of David Haigner's full range speaker, efficiency 92
dB, impedance slightly above 8 ohm, an easy load to drive
for a 2A3 amplifier pair in biamping mode (or even better a pair of
2A3 monos for mids and tweeter section and my new pair of WE 91 300B
SE amps for the bass - awesome).

my new one. Joe Aigner's line stage design with a lot of iron
(Sowther volume transformers, one 6H30pi double triode tube with
battery bias and Lundahl output trannies using a parafeed circuit)
and external power supply. |

matching external power supply of my preamp with Lundahl choke and
TV damper tubes for rectification. |

source for CDs is a Martin Küng modified Philips CDR 950 used as
together with Benchmark
DAC1 - works fine for me. |

91 300B SET Mono block after the assembling work was done. It's the
kit version offered by DIY Hifi-Supply, Hong Kong with Guido Tents 5V
DC filament supply for the 300B triode output tube.
very powerful 300B amp which I use to drive the 15 " RCF bass
chassis of my speakers.
cherry wood front panel is not part of the kit. My brother-in-law,
Kurt, a gifted carpenter, made them for me. |

old Linn LP12, Lingo, Ekos combination with Audio Technica OCC30 MC
cartridge and EAR 834P deluxe phono stage. |

Germany tube preamp and transistor-power amp (this combo plays music
with a lot of emotion... wonderful) with Martin Küng modified
Grundig CD 8400 (great sounding CD player, by the way).

system as a whole, speakers are TDL Monitor compact transmission
lines (my first DIY project with help of my late great Dad and some
friends). Normally, our cats are in the first row, damn where are they? |
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